đź“… Don’t forget! Webinar with Dr. Friedman, TODAY, July 16, 2017

Join Dr. Theodore Friedman for an informative webinar on the endocrine causes of hair loss in women. Dr. Friedman will discuss what hormones to measure if a woman is experiencing hair loss. He will discuss how to optimize hormone replacement to minimize or reverse hair loss. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.

Sunday, July 16, 2017 at 5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time, 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time

Meeting number (access code): 808 128 401

Meeting password: hormones

join the meeting here.

Join by phone Audio connection:

+1-855-797-9485 US Toll free

+1-415-655-0002 US Toll

Global call-in numbers
Show toll-free dialing restrictions

Access code: 808 128 401

You can join on a website (that will allow you to hear the presentation and view the slides) or by telephone (that will allow you only to hear the presentation). There will be time for questions by “chat” and the video conference will be posted on goodhormonehealth.com a few days after.

You will be required to mute your phones/computers. Please contact us at mail@goodhormonehealth.com if you have questions.

Dr. Friedman has been our guest four times on BlogTalkRadio.  Listen to one of his past interviews here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/cushingshelp/2012/04/03/dr-theodore-friedman-returns-for-his-fourth-interview