❓Has Cushing’s Affected your Job or Quality of Life?

I would love to take one of the surveys mentioned in this news article.  My Cushing’s went into “remission” just over 31 years ago but I still feel the effects of having had it.

Pre-Cushing’s I had no problem working a full day, having a piano studio overflowing with students, going out at night, cleaning the house, being a normal mom.

I could do as I chose – if I wanted to go somewhere, or do something, I just did.

Now, I work part-time and my studio is much smaller.  Everything I do is to accommodate my nap schedule.  I have to plan everything carefully so I can take my meds on time and be ready to sleep.

Even going to regular doctors is harder, explaining why I take cortisone and growth hormone, why I can’t take whatever meds they want to prescribe.

Discussing with a sports medicine doctor why I should (or shouldn’t) have a cortisone shot in my knee.  (I went for it September 12!  Now I’ll have to explain to my endo.)

Unfortunately, I also haven’t lost all my Cushing’s weight (probably at least partly my own fault LOL) and I still have to shave my chin every day.

I honestly believed that my kidney cancer was due to my taking growth hormone, which I take because of my pituitary tumor.  Now, since I’m back on it, I’m not entirely sure – but who knows what else might be growing?  Or maybe the different brand is better for me.  Who can say?

What about you?  How has your life changed due to Cushing’s?

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